Friends: The Reunion – Was it good? Does it matter?

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Working in media I always want to catch buzzy TV events as they happen. Last night it was finally time for the highly anticipated Friends reunion, 17 years after the last episode aired.

As I started to watch on HBO Max, I was thinking is this any good … then as the episode rolled out and I spent time reconnecting with Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Phoebe, Monica, and Joey, I thought, does it matter?

Friends: The Reunion represents all of us re-emerging from the pandemic.

How relatable to hear real-life stories of viewers who felt saved from the constant companion of these TV friends. 

Even more relatable when Jennifer Aniston commented on the small set size and pondered how could it be, we didn’t get any bigger only to have Matt LeBlanc charmingly reply ‘speak for yourself’.

And most of all, Matthew Perry, talking about leaving whoever they were with at events if another co-star was there.  Those friendship connections were so deep and true, all that mattered was being back in each other’s comfort and company.

As we head into the first long weekend post-pandemic and reconnect with our friends, let’s not worry about the awkward greetings, your favorite BBQ go-to outfit that no longer sits quite right, or the retold stories that maybe weren’t even that funny the first time … let’s just embrace reconnecting. 

We learned last night, Ross and Rachel really were on a break – and so were we.  Break time’s over.

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