post Tag: agency news

Paw-ternity Policy

Calling all pet owners! At Spawn, we support our staff beyond the walls of our agency, believing that happier people do better work. And we get more than most that pets are a big part of this. That’s why we’ve extended our furlough to our furry four-legged friends with our new Paw-ternity policy! From now on,

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Work of the Week: NextMX

Spawn Ideas is proud to be part of nextMX, an alliance of thought-leaders, including Stone Mantel and ALA Consulting, who work together to help businesses deliver future-focused meaningful customer experiences (MX) for the long-term success of their brands. And at Spawn, we take our role as partner seriously. That’s why, when nextMX needed a new website

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Work of the Week: Salmon Love

The Creative: Logo for The Salmon Project The Client: The Salmon Project Why We Made It: In Alaska, salmon matter. They’re a fundamental element of our state’s economy, and a key aspect of our way of life. So, our opinions on issues related to salmon? They tend to be strong. The Salmon Project was a feasibility

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Tools of the Trade: Teradek Serv Pro

I’m Andy Zanto, the Broadcast Director here at Spawn. My job is to be the connection between the creative team, who conceive the idea for a video and the video production team, who bring that idea to life. A great tool I use to do that is Teradek Serv Pro. What Does Teradek Serv Pro Do?

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Work of the Week: Alaska Housing Finance Corporation

Events represent a unique opportunity for businesses to really connect with people by revealing a human side. This past spring, Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) had one of those moments: They attended home shows, and had the chance to engage with attendees as individuals and fellow Alaskans, and to highlight how AHFC ‘s home renovation loans are

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A Sweet Opportunity: Spawn Ideas Wins Work for SweetLeaf

Anchorage, Alaska—Spawn Ideas is thrilled to announce that we’re adding Wisdom Natural Brand’s product, SweetLeaf, to our roster of clients. The pitch was competitive—SweetLeaf is a natural stevia sweetener perfectly positioned to break through in a competitive marketplace. Wisdom was looking for an agency that offered bold insights, powerful creative, and the experience required to level

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Work of the Week: Northrim Bank

Northrim knows owning a business isn’t a walk in the park. Spawn partnered with Northrim to showcase how their Alaskan banking experts are accessible, responsive and meet customers where they’re at. This continuation of the “Beyond Banking” campaign highlights how Northrim provides innovative solutions to meet their customers’ unique needs. 

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Tools of the Trade: Trello

I’m Shelley Wesser, and I’m a project coordinator in the Account Service department at Spawn. My role means that I’m constantly managing and communicating about multiple details, on multiple projects, with multiple people, at once. I depend on several online tools to successfully do my job – but one I’ve found particularly helpful is called Trello!

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Spawn Wins at AMA Awards!

In April, Spawn joined other Alaska marketing professionals for the annual AMA (American Marketing Association) Prism Awards. We’re proud of our work on GCI’s Apple iPhone Launch and Ravn Alaska’s “DAYover”  campaigns, which landed awards for video advertising and radio advertising, respectively. It’s always great to see the work other marketers are doing for their clients

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Tools of the Trade: Beam Robot

Who I Am: Kathy Norford What I Do:  VP & Media Director The Tool: Beam Telepresence Robot I’m one of Spawn’s boomerang employees. I first worked in our Anchorage office almost 20 years ago, and then, nearly 12 years ago, I came back, this time as a remote employee working from Denver. Media is a role

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Paw-ternity Policy

Calling all pet owners! At Spawn, we support our staff beyond the walls of our agency, believing that happier people do better work. And we get more than most that pets are a big part of this. That’s why we’ve extended our furlough to our furry four-legged friends with our new Paw-ternity policy! From now on,

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Work of the Week: NextMX

Spawn Ideas is proud to be part of nextMX, an alliance of thought-leaders, including Stone Mantel and ALA Consulting, who work together to help businesses deliver future-focused meaningful customer experiences (MX) for the long-term success of their brands. And at Spawn, we take our role as partner seriously. That’s why, when nextMX needed a new website

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Work of the Week: Salmon Love

The Creative: Logo for The Salmon Project The Client: The Salmon Project Why We Made It: In Alaska, salmon matter. They’re a fundamental element of our state’s economy, and a key aspect of our way of life. So, our opinions on issues related to salmon? They tend to be strong. The Salmon Project was a feasibility

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Tools of the Trade: Teradek Serv Pro

I’m Andy Zanto, the Broadcast Director here at Spawn. My job is to be the connection between the creative team, who conceive the idea for a video and the video production team, who bring that idea to life. A great tool I use to do that is Teradek Serv Pro. What Does Teradek Serv Pro Do?

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Work of the Week: Alaska Housing Finance Corporation

Events represent a unique opportunity for businesses to really connect with people by revealing a human side. This past spring, Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) had one of those moments: They attended home shows, and had the chance to engage with attendees as individuals and fellow Alaskans, and to highlight how AHFC ‘s home renovation loans are

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A Sweet Opportunity: Spawn Ideas Wins Work for SweetLeaf

Anchorage, Alaska—Spawn Ideas is thrilled to announce that we’re adding Wisdom Natural Brand’s product, SweetLeaf, to our roster of clients. The pitch was competitive—SweetLeaf is a natural stevia sweetener perfectly positioned to break through in a competitive marketplace. Wisdom was looking for an agency that offered bold insights, powerful creative, and the experience required to level

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Work of the Week: Northrim Bank

Northrim knows owning a business isn’t a walk in the park. Spawn partnered with Northrim to showcase how their Alaskan banking experts are accessible, responsive and meet customers where they’re at. This continuation of the “Beyond Banking” campaign highlights how Northrim provides innovative solutions to meet their customers’ unique needs. 

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Tools of the Trade: Trello

I’m Shelley Wesser, and I’m a project coordinator in the Account Service department at Spawn. My role means that I’m constantly managing and communicating about multiple details, on multiple projects, with multiple people, at once. I depend on several online tools to successfully do my job – but one I’ve found particularly helpful is called Trello!

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Spawn Wins at AMA Awards!

In April, Spawn joined other Alaska marketing professionals for the annual AMA (American Marketing Association) Prism Awards. We’re proud of our work on GCI’s Apple iPhone Launch and Ravn Alaska’s “DAYover”  campaigns, which landed awards for video advertising and radio advertising, respectively. It’s always great to see the work other marketers are doing for their clients

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Tools of the Trade: Beam Robot

Who I Am: Kathy Norford What I Do:  VP & Media Director The Tool: Beam Telepresence Robot I’m one of Spawn’s boomerang employees. I first worked in our Anchorage office almost 20 years ago, and then, nearly 12 years ago, I came back, this time as a remote employee working from Denver. Media is a role

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